Uncategorized – www.thearts-exchange.org http://www.thearts-exchange.org Get essay help. Immediately Fri, 03 Sep 2021 11:18:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://www.thearts-exchange.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/637/2020/11/cropped-exchange-32x32.png Uncategorized – www.thearts-exchange.org http://www.thearts-exchange.org 32 32 Guidelines to Proofreading Your College Admission Essay http://www.thearts-exchange.org/guidelines-to-proofreading-your-college-admission-essay.html http://www.thearts-exchange.org/guidelines-to-proofreading-your-college-admission-essay.html#respond Wed, 30 Jun 2021 17:50:37 +0000 http://www.thearts-exchange.org/?p=53 Applying for college can prove exciting for most students. However, writing and proofreading your college application can become a challenge. What should you leave out? How grammatically perfect should it be? What should you include?  Well, most students can write their college application letters, though very few will have the technical nous to proofread their pieces effectively. It mainly occurs because students apply for their college late and, thus, always rush to complete and beat the college’s submission deadlines.

How can you effectively proofread your application to your favorite college?  College application typically involves more than the application letter, as you have to write an essay. Editing and proofreading these items can determine how successful your application efforts will become. Since mistakes happen, you have to limit them in your application to ensure a better chance of getting that college acceptance.

So how can you go about proofreading your college application to make it as error-free and effective as possible?

Tips on Proofreading College Applications

  • Avoid trusting spellcheck. It becomes crucial to avoid wholly trusting tools such as grammar check and spellcheck. Yes, try and become attentive to the green and red squiggly lines but understand that the tools will not capture every error. Additionally, such tools also make mistakes, and it becomes your prerogative to ensure that your application proves error-free as possible.
  • Take some time out before you begin editing the application. Try and avoid editing your college application right after you finish writing the essay or filling the form. It will help you have a fresh perspective when editing and proofreading it to capture the missed errors. 
  • Ensure you have set the platform appropriately. It becomes essential to ensure the correct environment and mindset for editing before you embark on the editing and proofreading. Try and set time for some editing work in a quiet spot, whether you have to review a print or softcopy version. 
  • Read every question carefully. Most people read essay prompts and college application questions once. However, such an approach can lead to you missing out on addressing borne of contention in the question getting asked. Therefore, reread each question to ensure thorough comprehension before responding.
  • Watch out for typical grammar mistakes. Plenty of individuals use words such as their/they’re/there wrongly. Try and use a method such as a cheat sheet for typical grammar mistakes to ensure every word used fits into the context upon which it gets used.
  • Change your reading routine. It becomes essential to switch things a bit and try either of the following tips to proofread your documents. Try and read slowly regardless of how weird it feels. Also, read aloud to ensure that you capture mistakes and correct them appropriately. Read backward to let your brain see words in a different light. However, remember that this technique cannot apply to editing content flow, though it can become pivotal in spotting oddities and missing punctuations.
  • Review your college application countless times. It will help you check for various things every time. For instance, you can check the content in your initial review and maybe grammar mistakes in your second review.
  • Try and obtain a second outlook on the application. It becomes critical to get someone else to read and edit your college application regardless of your prowess in English. Other people will not only spot missed mistakes but also provide a general critique of the application. It will help you edit and make it better.


Proofreading can become a simple and effective process for your college application if you endeavor to consider the guidelines provided. Good luck with your college application!

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How Much It Costs to Write an Essay http://www.thearts-exchange.org/how-much-it-costs-to-write-an-essay.html http://www.thearts-exchange.org/how-much-it-costs-to-write-an-essay.html#respond Wed, 30 Jun 2021 17:49:34 +0000 http://www.thearts-exchange.org/?p=54 One of the most common questions that students tend to ask is how much it cost to write my college essay. Most of them tend to fail to overcome the thought of disorganization or irresponsibility to write their articles, which don’t always work in their favor. In the current times, most college courses are fast-paced. More students won’t meet their deadlines, especially when having a family or a job.

Those are some of the reasons that drive them to hire a consultant to finish the essays as it is a step, but most people tend to consider when they have multiple things to care about, and they also have to balance their life and school work. If you view your degree as an element to Bolster your life and your family, you must think of every step you take along the way. 

Factors to consider in pricing for essay writing 

There are many types of essays, and each one has its own set of customs and requirements, and therefore having a student price cannot work. Due to this reason, most writing services companies tend to price their services on the following Factors: 

  • The class level 
  • The number of pages 
  • The format of spacing 
  • The period of working until the deadline 

The class level 

It depends on whether your essay is for undergraduate or graduate class. You might need an article that talks about the human digestive system for a biology class. If that is the case, then the concepts will not be that hard since the research depth will not be as critical as for one needed for a graduate class. If it yes for a master’s course, they will need to conduct more in-depth research, and that’s why the prices will differ. 

The number of pages 

Each type of paper has a given set of word count to be met. Most online writing services tend to price their services per page, which translates to the more pages the paper contains, the lower the price for each page. If the article hit a particular Milestone, then there could be a discount on the total amount. 

The format of spacing 

The writing services consider if the essay should get single-spaced or double Spaced. The number of pages in an article will vary depending on the formatting, even if the same number of what gets used. For instance, if your essay should get written in a double-spaced format, you may have eight pages of content, whereas if it is single Spaced, the number of pages will be slightly above 4. 

The deadline 

Most students tend to request the help of online writing services when the deadline is around the corner. You could have forgotten, or maybe you thought that you could fit in between your schedule, but you missed it anyway. In such cases, the best thing is to request a review to see if the time frame will work in your favor. If the Company accepts it, you may need to add 15% to your final price because of this stiff time constraint. 

Is it an investment? 

It is an absolute investment because even if an essay cost between $90 to $500, you should look at the bigger picture. Once you get your college degree, you can have the opportunity to secure a promotion or a better job. Once that gets done, you’ll have investment back. If you pay for help on your paper, you did make one step to ensure that you won’t lose your investment because of failing a simple assignment. 

Most people tend to think the bay has to do all the work by themselves, but the reality is sometimes there isn’t just no time. You should therefore look for other alternatives to keep you ahead of the rest.

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Words And Phrases You Can Use To Start Your Sentences http://www.thearts-exchange.org/words-to-use-as-essay-sentence-starters.html http://www.thearts-exchange.org/words-to-use-as-essay-sentence-starters.html#respond Wed, 30 Jun 2021 17:47:50 +0000 http://www.thearts-exchange.org/?p=52 Transition words help you resist the bad habit or utilize simple verb and sentence structure. The transitions also link your thoughts and ideas creatively and effectively to come up with a nuanced meaning. They also make your writing appear and sound more professional.

Transition words

Revision world is a phrase or word that eliminates the relationship that occurs between two ideas. You use a transition word at the beginning of a sentence. 

Tips for using the sentence starter 

To write a persuasive paper, you need to start each sentence in a block with a different set of words. You can use the following approaches to accomplish this; 

  • Utilize the transition list when writing 

As you jot, think about how the lines in your paragraph get linked to one another. Are you making a comparison or contrasting ideas? Utilize transition words that show contrast almost there, adding to an idea transition words. In case you’re writing about something that happened, utilize the time or sequence transitions. 

  • Utilize the transition list while revising 

It is better to think about these words as you do your final draft. To achieve this, you can skim through the first copy and then cycle the Beginning words in every sentence. In case you use the same words to begin a sentence in a paragraph twice, you need to choose another phrase or word depending on the paper you’re writing. 

Tips for choosing the beginning of a sentence 

The use of transitions will bolster your writing skills as you will need to explain the connections between your thoughts and ideas. To get this right, you can ask yourself the following questions: 

  • What does the previous sentence say? 
  • What does the previous sentence mean? 
  • How will the current sentence relate to the next? 
  • Does the sentence are more information? If so, you can use: furthermore, additionally, moreover
  • Is the sentence contrasting or contradicting? You can use: however, yet, on the other hand, conversely, or in contrast
  • Are you writing things that occurred in order? You can use: next, then, similarly, in fact, finally
  • Does the sentence add evidence? You can use: consequently, for example, for this reason
  • Is the sentence adding emphasis to an idea? You can use: especially, incredibly, obviously, as a rule
  • Does the sentence begin your conclusion? You can use: obviously, in sum, finally, in conclusion

Tips for using transition words and phrases 

  1. Utilize many transition words android using the same one. 
  2. Include a comma after writing the transition word. 
  3. Include the sentence subject after the Comma. 

Use various words when citing examples 

As you write your paper, you will likely utilize many examples to support your argument in the rest of your argument. You can use transition words and phrases to help you more smoothly into your next citation or example. 

Use different words to put events in order 

When you’re writing about a linear or sequential event, it is imperative to always maintain the text’s clarity by writing the specific order of all the thoughts and ideas as they happen. 

Paragraph starters in argument summary 

When you’re closing down an argument, it is very tall, but you keep the leader in cost and include the last bit of your essay. Utilize a phrase or group of words that flow with the tone of argument and ensure that you’ve proven your point at least throughout your paper. That will ensure that all your points are interconnected, and you’ll also make more sense to the reader as you will come up with a good flow of ideas without leaving them guessing.

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Application Essay Subjects & Prompts http://www.thearts-exchange.org/application-essay-subjects-prompts.html http://www.thearts-exchange.org/application-essay-subjects-prompts.html#respond Wed, 02 Dec 2020 18:56:40 +0000 http://www.thearts-exchange.org/?p=46 It’s always an exciting time to graduate high school and start applying for college or university. What many students don’t understand entails the hustle of the application process, which at times, can prove overwhelming and stressful. You always want to stand out among the sea of applicants, and writing an excellent essay marks one way of doing just that. But as with many students, it’s not easy.

So what can you do to ensure your essay writing proves unique and with quality that can set you apart from the rest of the applicants?

The Best Essay Prompts for Quality College Application Essay Piece

  • Describe an aspect of your background, identity, or story that proves instrumental to your personality. To write an essay based on this, you have to try and find an identity aspect that can distinguish you from the rest. You then have to highlight this unique viewpoint you will take to your chosen university. By picking a unique subject for your essay, you increase your chances of getting your essay noticed.
  • Pen down something about a period of failure in your life and the implication of the failure in your life. You can then conclude with how such an experience of failure has enhanced your dealings with the same situations currently. Well, not many individuals can willingly admit their flaws, but in becoming honest, you can bring a fresh sense of refreshment in the story-telling aspect. 
  • Enumerate the details about a period you challenged an existing perspective you held dear and why. Such an essay requires you to pick a period where you got to experience and listen to perspectives divergent from yours. It’s crucial to demonstrate your ability to withdraw from your belief system and learn things from individuals that have a contrary perspective. In doing so, the college can get a better idea of your capability in engaging different and difficult ideological deliberations, besides your humility and character.
  • Write concerning a challenge that you currently face or want to resolve. Here, you don’t have to get afraid of thinking outside the box. Well, settling on a widespread issue such as hunger can prove easy, but tackling a creative challenge can showcase the interest and passion you hold dear, thereby setting you apart from the rest.
  • You can also write concerning an event or time that transitioned you from childhood to adulthood in your local community. Try and think of significant events that transitioned your development. Whatever comes first has to get discarded as every other Tom or Harry can think of the same. It has to prove unique enough and interesting as well to capture the imagination of the college admissions board.
  • Describe one of your favorite films or books in which the main protagonist decides to do a complicated thing. What perspective do you have concerning their choice? To remain unique and stand out from the rest, pick a film or book that proves interesting but not widely known by people.


Essay writing can prove complicated at times when you lack ideas on what topic to pick or how to start when it comes to the writing process. To avoid all these, you can consider the prompts provided, or just buy TOK essay online and quickly get an effective and exciting essay.

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Descriptive Essay Writing http://www.thearts-exchange.org/descriptive-essay-writing.html http://www.thearts-exchange.org/descriptive-essay-writing.html#respond Wed, 11 Nov 2020 14:02:49 +0000 http://www.thearts-exchange.org/?p=24 The descriptive essay is used to create a vivid picture of a person, place, or subject. Its main plot is in the form of a personal story and observation.  The main writing process includes observing the environment (places, people, actions, and the objects around us). A reader creates a picture of a person, place, thing, or event through descriptive writing.

A descriptive essay is written in the first person. Use clear and concise language with idioms, metaphors, etc. The first paragraph is the introduction; the second paragraph is the least important point; the third is the second least important point. In paragraph 4, state the key point.

There is a multiple-step process on how to write a descriptive essay

The initial step requires the prewriting to have enough time to prepare the initial draft. In this step, it is important to describe what is the main topic. Describe the main subject of the story – for example, a grandparent, the item, a favorite animal, etc. Outline the main details of the story and a subject. Thus, write about physical characteristics, memories, feelings, and ideas. Add specific adverbs, so the reader catches a sense of taste, color, smell (stark white, bright sky, large stock, etc.). the use of similes such as ‘’like’ ‘ or ‘’as’’ may be of great help.

In the revising step, try to define whether the essay provides a complete topic experience. Make sure to check whether there are enough details to describe the specific character or an item.

In the editing part, it is necessary to proofread and correct all grammar mistakes. Identify the style errors – such as clarity and clichés.

Before any publishing process, make sure to have feedback from colleagues or mentors. In conclusion, provide a logical paragraph with the use of descriptive words.

The structure of a descriptive essay

The introduction paragraph consists of a hook. A hook is a statement that aims to catch the reader’s attention. The writer may connect information from the hook and add it to the main body paragraph.

Thesis statement represents the main idea statement, and it consists of three points of development. There are three main patterns used for descriptive writing: chronological, spatial land psychological. Avoid too many adjectives, adverbs, and clichéd figures of speech.

The body paragraph ought to have a clear sentence that supports the details and concluding sentence. The conclusion restates the thesis and summarizes the points of the development.

Transition words and phrases that signal description are used in descriptive writing and depend on whether you describe a person, a place, or a thing.

Finally, use words that create a mental picture for the reader, powerful action verbs, specific nouns and adjectives, natural language, and avoid repetition, slang, and cliches.

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